Was July 9th! Although We officially became home owners on July 8th, our closing day. We cleaned the new house and got it ready for all of our stuff the next day with my parents help!
It is still feeling a little surreal weeks after, can't believe this place is really ours!! Moving day was lots of hard work but we had so many helping hands - thanks to our amazing friends and family!!
It was easy for me not to get too sentimental about leaving, you know how much I grew to love severance! But the fact we were moving to our own (awesome) house made me very happy to be leaving.
Here are some shots of the new house! The butler abode as I call it is now located 5 minutes away from both Jared's and my work and dangerously close to target and other city shopping! It has been very easy to adjust ;)
We feel incredibly blessed and thankful to be in our new house. The nesting and set up continues as we are working on the studio and yard - from what I hear home ownership means there is always work in progress ;)